Enhancing the Community’s Brain Cognition Skills

Registered Inventor at the U.S. Patent Office, Brett P. Phillips, has made significant strides in helping his community improve brain cognition skills. One of his key methods of service is through public speaking, where he passionately shares his knowledge and experiences. Brett is dedicated to aiding individuals in increasing their expense-to-income ratios, labor productivity rates, assets, and other behavioral economic measurements.

Accomplishments That Enable Teaching

Brett’s journey is marked by numerous accomplishments that establish his authority and capability to teach precious people. Here are some of the key achievements that highlight his proficiency and dedication serving people.

Patent from the United States Patent and Trademark Office

One of Brett’s most distinguished accomplishments is the invention that earned him a patent from the United States Patent and Trademark Office.  This patent is a testament to his innovative thinking and technical expertise.  Being awarded a patent is a remarkable achievement that speaks volumes about Brett’s creativity and critical thinking.

Proficiencies Brett Shares

Brett’s proficiency in various areas makes him a valuable mentor and teacher. Here are some of the key proficiencies he shares with his community:

Legal and Technical Expertise

Brett successfully navigated the complex process of securing a patent registration by representing himself pro se to the United States Patent and Trademark Office.  This involved performing the legal work of an attorney and the technical work of an engineer, demonstrating his multifaceted skills and comprehensive understanding of both domains.

The Applicant Process

Brett’s journey through the applicant process is a story of perseverance and expertise. By representing himself pro se, he demonstrated a unique combination of skills that few possess. His ability to handle the legal intricacies and technical challenges of the patent application process exemplifies his computational analysis and unrelenting determination.

Exceptional Brain Cognition Skills

Brett’s cognitive abilities are unparalleled. His brain cognition skills were ranked #1 among 231,134,130 people in the United States. This exceptional ranking underscores his capability to excel in cognitive tasks and his potential to teach others how to enhance their own cognitive skills. The certificate not only validates his invention but also serves as an inspiration to others aspiring to achieve better feats.

Book Brett P. Phillips for Your Next Event

Are you looking for a life-enriching, inspiring, and knowledgeable speaker for your next event?  Brett P. Phillips is available for public speaking engagements.

He has a unique ability to meet people where they are from various income and education levels with brain cognition skill enrichment.

With his unique blend of accomplishments and proficiencies, Brett can provide valuable insights and practical enrichment that will leave your audience with augmented analytical skills.

Contact Information

To book Brett P. Phillips for your event, please reach out via the following website:



Brett P. Phillips is more than just an inventor; he is a visionary dedicated to advancing cognitive science with behavioral economic empowerment for various intellect levels.  His accomplishments and proficiencies make him a valuable asset to his community and an inspiration for all innovators.  Through public speaking and sharing his journey, Brett continues to edify others to reach new heights with his acclaimed brain cognition skill titled ‘P8 Cognitive Reasoning.’