
The Keynote Speaker & His Novel Book

Brett P. Phillips is a registered inventor at the U.S. Patent Office and an insightful keynote speaker.  He brings the brain cognition skills of King Solomon to life in his novel book titled ‘P8 Cognitive Reasoning: Advancing Your Brain Cognition Skills with King Solomon.’  A self-empowering theme in Brett’s presentations is ‘King Solomon’s Brain Cognition Skills Made Alive For You [...]

By |Categories: Articles, Keynote Speaker, News, Public Speaking|

The Intersection of Macroeconomics, Behavioral Economics and the U.S. Library of Congress

Brett has dedicated countless hours to rigorous research and development (R&D) in his quest to unravel the intricate relationships between economics, superior codes of actions, and the brain's cognitive functions.  His efforts have culminated in the creation of an Ivy League-level curriculum, "Macroeconomics v.1: Superior Macroeconomic Policies, Maximal Financial Assessments for Individuals, Families, and Governments," now registered with the U.S. Library [...]

By |Categories: Economics, Keynote Speaker, News, Public Speaking|

Public Speaking: Registered Inventor with the U.S. Patent Office Brett P. Phillips

Enhancing the Community's Brain Cognition Skills Registered Inventor at the U.S. Patent Office, Brett P. Phillips, has made significant strides in helping his community improve brain cognition skills. One of his key methods of service is through public speaking, where he passionately shares his knowledge and experiences. Brett is dedicated to aiding individuals in increasing their expense-to-income ratios, labor productivity [...]

By |Categories: Keynote Speaker, News, Public Speaking|
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